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MTM Travel - The Fun Side of Points & Travel!

Aug 29, 2019

Episode Description

In Episode 3 we discuss the awesome Delta Vacations deal, Hilton & Hyatt promos, IHG’s garbage accelerate promo and National’s awesome rent 2 get 1 free promo.  We go into detail on business credit cards: How tough is it to get them and who is eligible for them? On our hot topic of the week we...

Aug 24, 2019

Episode Description

In Episode 2 we discuss how to max out Atlantic City status matches and come home a winner.  We also discuss Star Wars Galaxy Edge at Disney World and how it compares to its Westcoast counterpart. We wrap up the episode discussing the newly launched Apple Card, share Shawn & Miles to Memories’...

Aug 22, 2019

Episode Description

In the inaugural episode Shawn, Joe, & Mark discuss hacking Las Vegas with Amex FHR credits, the situation in Hong Kong, and why Disney is the "worst vacation ever." Or is it? We finish off the show with introductions and background info on Mark, Joe, and dishwashers. Plus, outtakes!

We'd really...

Aug 8, 2019

Coming soon: the Miles to Memories podcast! Join us each week as we discuss the latest news, tips, and tricks in the miles and points world so you can travel more for less!

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