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MTM Travel - The Fun Side of Points & Travel!

Jun 25, 2020

Episode Description

In episode 45 we discuss Wynn calling customers scammers, Vegas paying people to wear masks and the perfect 4 card Amex wallet.  We also discuss how to get your Disney reservations set up, issues with Virgin Atlantic miles & how to max out Citi ThankYou point earning.

Episode Notes

7:05 - Wynn calls...

Jun 18, 2020

Episode Description

In episode 44 we discuss the ugly side of mask shaming and Mark’s recent experience.  We also discuss upgrading to the CSR, cashing out Ultimate Rewards points, why we don’t talk to friends about miles and points anymore & much more.

Episode Notes

5:53 - Talking to friends about miles...

Jun 11, 2020

Episode Description

In episode 43 we discuss Vegas opening back up, how it is different and how it hasn’t changed.  We also discuss Shawn’s recent travels and what it felt like to be on the road plus upcoming travel plans.

Episode Notes

10:34 - Las Vegas reopened!

26:48 - Our summer travel plans

35:57 - Universal...